Six Days that Changed Lives — The Legacy Lives On
In 2011, Adam Woolfitt, British Photographer (with National Geographic* and many other publications) had recently “retired” from his professional life. In that life, he had traveled from London to other continents and islands for his work, but had not yet visited Africa. Someone once told me “You should leave visiting Africa to last, as you will never want to go anywhere else” (which I have found to be true, by the way!) Adam did happen to leave it to last, and Kenya did it’s magic on him!
First, we had three lovely days on safari in the Maasai Mara with our friend and guide, Tony Church. Adam was able to put his passion to work and got some fabulous shots of Kenyan wildlife! Already a bird fancier, he was in heaven with the variety we encountered — from beautiful little Lilac Breasted Rollers to Great White Pelicans and so many more. Then of course, the elephants, lions, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, a cheetah who crossed in front of our vehicle at a leisurely pace to pose on a log just for Adam’s pleasure and one amazing last morning encounter with a beautiful male leopard coming out of the thickets just to be sure we got the full cast of players! (Photos below).
Then came a full week filled with children! At our Bloom Where Planted Enrichment Camp, Adam was in his element! He taught photography to Class 8 of our primary school and the Form 1 sponsored secondary students (13-16 years of age) who came to help and take part in the learning sessions.
Adam taught these students in the same way he would have if they were at London University! He showed slides, illustrated perspective to them, discussed all of the important elements of photography — in (proper) English… their 3rd language (while English is a subject in their curriculum, they were still not proficient)! (As an amateur photographer, I was more than sorry that I was busy teaching Classes 6 & 7 and could not attend his sessions myself!) The students hung on his ever word.
Not only did Adam bravely carry his own camera equipment, a laptop, projector and screen with him to Kenya, he also brought 72 single use cameras, giving one to each student to use for the week we were there! Heaven only knows how he managed in Customs… he obviously charmed his way in. At the end of our time with the children, he collected the cameras and had the prints processed back in London. With those pictures, he produced a wonderful book — PUPIL POWER — filled with their endeavors.
Thanks to Adam’s time at ‘our’ primary school twelve years ago, creativity entered the minds of the Class 8 and Form 1 students as it never had before! Still today, many a one-time attendee will ask me, "How is Sir Adam?" — indicating what an impact he had on them. I continue to see that effect he had on these now young adults in the way they “think outside the box"... their box being a very hard, poverty stricken life. The six days of learning with Adam gave them a broader view of life they had never dreamt of. The time and effort he contributed instilled not only creative ideas but', an entrepreneurial spirit!
From that visit to Kenya onward, Adam was involved in helping individual students, the primary school and our Bloom Where Planted charity in general. He sponsored three students through college/university and his teaching led two of those students and another young man (whose photograph, as it happened, had been used as the cover photo of Adam’s book, but had not seen the book until he happened to introduce himself when we were visiting in 2017 [see photo]) toward photography and/or media as a profession.
Adam set a whole group of young Kenyans on an upward path — they in turn are helping others coming up behind them. We are so thankful and proud of the 'Blooms' he fostered! These Kenyan children remained in his heart and he in theirs… and ours! Adam Woolfitt’s legacy lives on and we remain inspired by his work and his ways.
* For more of Adam’s amazing photography, visit: National Geographic and Robert Harding
-Mary McNeill Fry
In Memory —
A scholarship fund is to be set up for children to attend Secondary School and College in Adam’’s name. All donations will serve to carry on his legacy with these children he loved!
Professor (Sir) Adam in his element…
“It is where you point the camera — and why, that demonstrates how “sound” your eye is and therefore how good your picture will be!”
Adam Woolfitt , PUPIL POWER
On Safari…
Adam and his "Soulmate" ornithologist, James Ndii

Camera ready, Lake Naivasha at dusk

No Safari is complete without a 'Sunowner'!
Birding at breakfast
On the lookout — one's favourite spot in the safari vehicle.
We watched while the mother weighed the options...
Success! The baby happily made the trip!
One last Safari treat... (Adam's versions of these shots were more impressive than mine, I assure you! A sampling of his below.)
“Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born. “
— Albert Einstein
Adam never grew old in spirit!