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The Kenya School

Building Fund

In 2021, we began a building fund campaign for our Children’s Charity, Bloom Where Planted, in Kenya! We plan to build an extension on the ‘Hall’ at our Primary School in Kenya, as well as doing structural work on the hall itself (see photo of proposed site below). The Kenyan government is making much needed changes in the primary school curriculum and it is exactly the direction we have had in mind for expanding our outreach for the children, and that is ‘skills training’! Therefore, we will add a classroom for computers along with a ‘proper’ library for the many books we have accumulated over the years. The Hall will become a skill center for sewing, cooking, etc. We are very excited about this prospect and hope you will join us in the effort. We need to raise $25,000. 

In December 2019, a donor gave a lovely Christmas gift of $20.20 to his wife. That gift has inspired us to use and develop this idea to turn it into our Building Fund Appeal, now $20.21 monthly. Your monthly gift would be greatly appreciated!

Two ways to give

One donation of $20.21 once per month for 12 months


A one-time donation in any amount earmarked for “ The Building Fund”

Donate to "The Building Fund"

We are thrilled to say that work has begun on the library portion! Thanks to a dear friend/donor who is in Kenya at this time and a few of our college graduates who took time out to design and build bookshelves, we can now begin to fill those wonderful shelves with the books that have been in storage (and more on their way by ship at this time)! We are so grateful for this beginning!





The ways.


1. Providing food for thought….the brain works so much better when there is food in the tummy!

2. Basic tools: Pencils and pens, crayons, colour pencils, etc.

3. Supplies: Exercise books, paper,

4. Textbooks (much needed… the government supplies 1 for every 5-6 children).

5. Fact and fiction books: Reading for pleasure opens doors!

6. Teaching tools… supplies, donated computers, sewing machines, books, etc.

7. Purchase of shoes, socks and uniforms where there is dire need as well as providing donated clothing in our annual shipments.

8. Provide a better learning environment with physical improvements to their classrooms and campus, as well as providing desks and chairs.

9. Supplement their academics with donated sports equipment and musical instruments.

10. Sponsor students in secondary schools and on into college when warranted.

The reasons.


1. Stop the cycle of poverty in a Kenyan family… an educated child can lift their family out of the depths of extreme poverty. The children know that education is the key… they write it in their letters!

2. Expand their horizons: Through Bloom, these 800-1000 children have met and learned from women in medical professions; a JPL engineer; a National Geographic photographer; a Kenyan woman Ambassador/lawyer; and, most importantly, people from other countries who just come to show them love.

3. Helping them learn life skills such as sewing, cooking, carpentry, etc., as not all success has to be academic… some of us need to be able to work in a kitchen!

4. Encourage their talents in art, writing, music, dance, sport, etc.

5. Helping students learn the concept of “giving back” by requiring our college students to spend time tutoring the secondary students or working on improving the primary school environment. They find they love doing it!

6. Save endangered species… we always stress the importance of protecting their wildlife and the value of the animals to their own lives in Kenya.

7. Save the world? After all, we do have a young woman working on her Master’s Degree in Meteorology at Nairobi University! Who knows what our Maria will discover?

How you benefit.


1. In addition to tax benefits, rather than donating to a large charity without knowing where the money goes and who receives it, with our small, personal charity, you have the opportunity to have a close connection with the recipients of your funds. Particularly if you choose to sponsor a student into secondary education, as you will have the opportunity to get to know the child through their letters, photos, etc. Perhaps even join us on a visit and meet the children in person?

2. “Giving is its own reward” indeed, but seeing the smiles and receiving their gratitude is the icing on the cake. Plus, the regularity of an ongoing relationship reminds you of how fortunate you are to be in a position to help.

3. A small act of kindness — the cost of a daily cup of coffee or bottle of water would provide a sponsorship for a Kenyan child. If sponsoring in the name of your children or grandchildren, it could have a tremendous effect on your family as well… teaching kindness, generosity and empathy for others by example..